Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Course: Visual Design Studio Fall 2009

Objective: Focus on a word and create an image working
with different typographic imaging.

Medium: Digital Print


Course: Typography Studio Spring 2010

Objective: Choose a typeface and create a poster emphasizing important, 
distinctive characteristics. Include information, a quote, and 
each character of the typeface. 

Medium: Digital Print on Poster Board


Course: Design for Print Media Fall 2010

Objective: Create an Identity mark for a Church of God
organization called SHAPE.

Medium: Digital Print

Band Site

Course: Design for Digital Media Fall 2010

Objective: Create a website structure design for a fictional band.

Medium: Digital


Course: Print Production Studio Spring 2010

Objective: Create a calendar page focusing on a specific designer's style.

Medium: Screen Print/Letter Press


Course: Typography Studio Spring 2010

Objective: Create a self portrait only using different typefaces and fonts.

Medium: Digital Print


Course: Visual Design Studio Fall 2009

Objective: Choose one rare or forgotten word. Create a 
book page that includes the word and its definition.

Medium: Screen Print